Sunday, December 8, 2019

Hard Drugs and Soft Drugs Essay Example For Students

Hard Drugs and Soft Drugs Essay CASE D (retrieved from URL – http://www. amsterdamescape. com/drugs. html) Introduction Hard and Soft drugs are terms to distinguish between psychoactive drugs that are addictive and perceived as especially damaging and drugs that are believed to be non-addictive (or minimally addictive) and with less dangers associated with its use. The term soft drug is considered controversial by its critics because it implies that the drug causes no or insignificant harm. Dutch law a make a clear distinction between hard drugs and soft drugs. Hard drugs are illegal and sentences run up to 12 years imprisonment, while soft drugs are illegal too, but for personal use you will not be prosecuted thus make a blind eye turned. The Dutch government believes by keeping soft drugs separate from other drugs make it possible to stop people turning to harder drugs and away from crime and addiction. Ethical Philosophies Even though Dutch laws intention is reasonable, it still can’t be accepted and against other countries laws. By contrast, our country Malaysia have strict laws in place for drug-related offenses, and arent afraid to use them. In spite of such draconian measures, certain places are flush with illegal drugs. However, you should still defer to local laws when offered a chance to indulge – your status as a foreigner does not make you less likely to be punished for drug use, quite the opposite. Malaysian legislation (sale of Drugs Act 1952 revised – 1989) provides for a mandatory death penalty for convicted drug traffickers. Under Malaysia’s anti-drug laws any person found in possession of at least 15 grams of heroin, 200 grams of cannabis is presumed, unless the contrary is proven by the accused, to be trafficking in the drug. If you need to bring any drugs which have been prescribed by your doctor, you must bring evidence of the type of drug you are using. Otherwise, they will be confiscated. Drugs such as cannabis, LCD and cocaine are absolutely prohibited and Customs officers and police have the right to search for illegal drugs. Religions Perspective Many religions have beliefs about drug use; these vary greatly, with some traditions placing the ritual use of entheogens at the center of religious activity, while others prohibit drug use altogether. Malaysia is a multiconfessional society, with slightly more than half of its people being Muslims. The country is officially a Muslim state, and the Government actively promotes the spread of Islam in the country and its friendship with other Muslim countries. Since Islam is the official religion of Malaysia, Islam prohibits the consumption of alcohol and by extension other drugs of similar or greater strength. It also disapproves of tobacco use, although not all deem it prohibited. In some Islamic countries, alcohol is prohibited; and sometimes possession, manufacture, or trade is punished with severe penalties (e. . , corporal or capital punishment). From the Islamic point of view, the most important aspect determining the illicitness of recreational drugs is whether or not it is of any harm. And make not your own hands contribute to your destruction. Surah, Al-Baqara, 2: 195 Drugs with the potential to lead to intoxication or other significantly altered states of consciousness (s uch as alcohol, Cannabis, opium and its derivatives, cocaine, psychedelics and so on) are prohibited. However, khat leaves are often chewed or consumed in some Arabic countries (particularly in Yemen). Khat contains the alkaloid called cathinone, an amphetamine-like stimulant. The Muslim nations were instrumental in banning opium, cocaine, and cannabis. Cannabis use and abuse as an intoxicant was largely unknown in the West at that point, but Islamic leaders have been critical of it since the 13th century. Most illegal drugs cause people to become intoxicated. The slang term for this experience is getting stoned or getting high. When a drug user is intoxicated, they may feel strange, happy, dizzy, or weird. Some drugs such as marijuana and hashish often make users feel sleepy and relaxed. Some drug users have feelings that they are floating or dreaming. Drugs such as LSD make people feel intensely; they make one see and feel things like never before, and think things about the world they would normally not. Some say it increases knowledge and creates wisdom. Other drugs such as Crystal Meth make users feel excited and happy and full of energy. Some drug users feel sad or angry after they take illegal drugs. Other drug users get scared after they take drugs, and begin to worry a lot, a result called paranoia. Cocaine, crack, and Crystal Meth sometimes cause users to feel scared or paranoid. Some people take drugs because they want to look cool in front of their friends or they just want to be accepted by a gang or group of young people. Another reason may be that they are in a bad situation in their life and they believe that these drugs will make their pain go away. Health Issue There are thousands of drugs that help people. Antibiotics and vaccines have revolutionized the treatment of infections. Medicines can lower blood pressure, treat diabetes, and reduce the bodys rejection of new organs. Medicines can cure, slow, or prevent disease, helping us to lead healthier and happier lives. But there are also lots of illegal, harmful drugs that people take to help them feel good or have a good time. Drugs are chemicals or substances that change the way our bodies work. When you put them into your body (often by swallowing, inhaling, or injecting them), drugs find their way into your bloodstream and are transported to parts of your body, such as your brain. In the brain, drugs may either intensify or dull your senses, alter your sense of alertness, and sometimes decrease physical pain. A drug may be helpful or harmful. The effects of drugs can vary depending upon the kind of drug taken, how much is taken, how often it is used, how quickly it gets to the brain, and what other drugs, food, or substances are taken at the same time. Effects can also vary based on the differences in body size, shape, and chemistry. Although substances can feel good at first, they can ultimately do a lot of harm to the body and brain. Taking illegal drugs can cause serious damage to the human body. Some drugs severely impair a persons ability to make healthy choices and decisions. Cocaine and Crack: Cocaine is a white crystalline powder made from the dried leaves of the coca plant. Crack, named for its crackle when heated, is made from cocaine. It looks like white or tan pellets. Effects Dangers: †¢ Cocaine is a stimulant that rocks the central nervous system, giving users a quick, intense feeling of power and energy. Snorting highs last between 15 and 30 minutes; smoking highs last between 5 and 10 minutes. †¢ Cocaine also elevates heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. †¢ Injecting cocaine can give you hepatitis or AIDS if you share needles with other users. Ned Kelly- Castles EssayWe are willing to continue supporting you beyond what we are required to. But only if you are doing your part. IE: Good school attendance, working hard to get good grades, no drug usage or criminal activity etc. We want to help you get enough education (and avoid a criminal record) so that you can enjoy a good life style and get more enjoyment from life. If you dont want to go along with our plan you will need to support yourself. †¢ Health risks Have you studied biology in school? Do you know about bacteria and how disease is spread? If a couple drug-users put a spoon in their mouth, would you be willing to then put it in your mouth? Would you put a joint or pipe in your mouth after a drug user did? Is it fun being sick with a viral or bacterial infection? Would it be fun to get hepatitis B or C? Etc. Who will pay for medical treatment if you get a drug related health problem? Should that be our responsibility? †¢ Any kind of smoking is proven to damage your body. Marijuana is known to harm memory; damage brain cells and increases your chance of getting a horrible disease like emphysema or heart disease. Gender, Demand and Supply Today, more than 4 million people whether men or women in Southeast Asia’s country use drugs, men or women of all ages, races and cultures. Almost half of all women age 15-44 have used drugs at least once in their life. Most drug abusers use more than one drug. People who use drugs often suffer from other serious health problems, sexually transmitted diseases, and mental health problems, such as depression. Many women who use drugs have had troubled lives. Studies have found that at least 70 percent of women drug users have been sexually abused by the age of 16. Often, people who use drugs have low self-esteem, little self-confidence, and feel powerless. They often feel lonely and are isolated from support networks. Rising demand for drugs is encouraging drug syndicates to smuggle them into Malaysia, especially by sea. Drugs such as heroin, cannabis, morphine and opium have been supplanted by the emergence of new drugs such as ketamine and methamphetamines. Federal Narcotics Department deputy director said police were concerned about the phenomenon, which started at the beginning of the year. Drugs such as Erimin 5 and meth have won over young drug addicts as they are easier to consume compared with heroin, morphine or cannabis, which have to be cooked first. Compared with heroin and cannabis, it is more difficult for the supply line of synthetic drugs to be cut as there is a big chain of foreign importers’. A number of high-profile drug busts this year back the polices theory that illegal drugs are the current fashion with addicts. Drug syndicates are more interested in smuggling the finished product into the country than raw materials. To counter police action, syndicates have built a chain of contacts with drug producers abroad. Now, the syndicates prefer to smuggle processed drugs into the country before either distributing them in the local market or exporting them to neighbouring countries. Production of synthetic drugs was a global problem as investigations had shown that there were processing laboratories in the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. In some cases, preventive laws were used against major drug syndicate members or foreigners. This year, 637 Malaysians and 45 foreigners were detained under preventive laws. Social Stereotype Ethics and Professional Conduct has includes forgiveness and being forgetful bout some mistakes from the social stereotype perspective. In Malaysia, all kinds of drugs are illegal except for medications. Besides, there are so many disadvantages by taking drugs especially from health perspective. Yes, there is nothing wrong for a people to consume ‘Marijuana’ in Amsterdam because it was a legal ‘coffee drink’. However, once these people came to M alaysia, the society will looked down at them because they claimed that they are believed that they are committed crime. Malaysian legislation (sale of Drugs Act 1952 revised – 1989) provides for a mandatory death penalty for convicted drug traffickers. Under Malaysia’s anti-drug laws any person found in possession of at least 15 grams of heroin, 200 grams of cannabis is presumed, unless the contrary is proven by the accused, to be trafficking in the drug. Drugs such as cannabis, LCD and cocaine are absolutely prohibited and Customs officers and police have the right to search for illegal drugs. Opinion In my opinion, I will never look down on a gentleman who used to be a drug consumer in Amsterdam because certain drugs are legal there. But, if the person is my husband/wife, for sure I will look down on them because nowadays, we are being exposed with danger by using drugs. There are many disadvantages than advantages by taking drugs. I will still get him if he stops taking drugs even though drugs are legal at the respective country. Drugs can make our life miserable if we can’t control it, except him/her using it as medications. And just as there are many kinds of drugs available, there are as many reasons for trying them or starting to use them regularly. People take drugs just for the pleasure they believe they can bring. Often its because someone tried to convince them that drugs would make them feel good or that theyd have a better time if they took them. Some people believe drugs will help them think better, be more popular, stay more active, or become better athletes. Others are simply curious and figure one try wont hurt. Others want to fit in. A few use drugs to gain attention from their parents. Many people use drugs because theyre depressed or think drugs will help them escape their problems. The truth is, drugs dont solve problems — they simply hide feelings and problems. When a drug wears off, the feelings and problems remain, or become worse. Drugs can ruin every aspect of a persons life.

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