Saturday, August 31, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Essay

The capability of every individual create effective and efficient communicative mechanisms can help prevent the further escalation of a conflict. Each action, movement, speech is important in establishing such idea. Thus, proper facilitation of interpersonal communication can bridge the gap between two parties and help create possibilities for cooperation. Analyzing the problem critically, there are certain communicative lapses present between the parents and the owner of the day care. These lapses tend to create different perceptions and ideas that in the end result into conflict among members of the group. Another issue that can be argued revolves around the responsibility of the owner of the daycare. It has been elaborated that there are only certain parameters of care that the organization has to offer which is mandated by the handbook of DHA. These contending of ideas of how responsibility of care is administered also bring about struggles and conflict that can further impede and deteriorate the process of interpersonal communication. With these, solutions must be created to administer proper changes and facilitate communication. One important aspect to consider is to be sensitive to the situation and cultural background of the individuals. â€Å"A stereotype, a fixed impression about a group, may influence your perceptions of individual members; you may see individuals only as members of the group instead of as unique individuals. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 4’, p. 1) The next thing to consider is the importance of creating effective listening skills both to individuals and groups. However, there are many factors that affect the way people listen and comprehend things. â€Å"Members of different cultures vary on a number of communication dimensions that influence listening: speech and language, nonverbal behavioral differences, and preferences for direct and indirect styles of communication. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 5’, p. 1) In addition, individuals must be gender sensitive when it comes to listening. â€Å"Men and women may listen differently; generally, women give more specific listening cues to show they’re listening than do men. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 5’, p. 1) Thus, different strategies must be created to facilitate better avenues for listening. The next possible solution can be characterized how people perceive and interpret communication by means of verbal and non-verbal messages. The way to creating effective interpersonal communication is the advancing and merging of both listener and speaker. â€Å"Meaning is more than words and gestures; meaning includes what speaker and listener brings to interpersonal interaction. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 6’, p. ) With this, words, gestures and other meanings given are important in establishing interpersonal communication. â€Å"Meanings are context-based; the context heavily influences the meanings that words and gestures are given. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 6’, p. 1) Thus, these ideas prove to be a main catalyst in achieving interpersonal communication. The last process in trying to resolve this conflict is the communication process itself. The conversation between the listener and speaker plus the mechanisms that were used can be a vital tool in shaping the outcome of interpersonal communication. â€Å"Maintaining conversations depends on the principle of cooperation; the maxims of quantity, quality, relation, and manner; the principle of dialogue; and the principle of turn taking. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 9’, p. 1) With mechanisms in place, conversation may be able to bridge the communication gap brought about by conflict. â€Å"Preventing conversational problems may be aided by the disclaimer, a statement that helps to ensure that your message will be understood and will not reflect negatively on the speaker. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 9’, p. 1) In the end, giving solutions to the problem of communication revolves around the capability of an individual to harness and foster efficient and effective mechanisms that will create an environment of understanding, collaboration and sensitivity among the group/s. References DeVito, J. A. (2005) ‘Chapter 4:Perception in Interpersonal Communication’ in Pearson Education. [on-line] Retrieved December 9, 2007 from http://wpscms. pearsoncmg. com/ab_devito_intrprsnl_11/43/11047/2828208. cw/index. html DeVito, J. A. (2005) ‘Chapter 5: Listening in Interpersonal Communication. In Pearson Education. [on-line] Retrieved December 9, 2007 from http://wpscms. pearsoncmg. com/ab_devito_intrprsnl_11/43/11047/2828276. cw/index. html DeVito, J. A. (2005) ‘Chapter 6: Universals of Verbal and Non-verbal messages’ in Pearson Education. [on-line] Retrieved December 9, 2007 from http://wpscms. pearsoncmg. com/ab_devito_intrprsnl_11/43/11048/2828345. cw/index. html DeVito, J. A. (2005) ‘Chapter 9: Conversation. ’ in Pearson Education. [on-line] Retrieved December 9, 2007 from http://wpscms. pearsoncmg. com/ab_devito_intrprsnl_11/43/11049/2828563. cw/index. html

Friday, August 30, 2019

Arendt-Theory of Totalitarianism Essay

Hannah Arendt is widely regarded as one of the most important, unique and influential thinkers of political philosophy in the Twentieth century. Arendt was greatly influenced by her mentor and one time lover, Martin Heidegger, whose phenomenological method would help to greatly shape and frame Arendt’s own thinking. Like Heidegger, Arendt was sceptical of the metaphysical tradition which tended towards abstract conceptual reasoning; ultimately at odds with the reality of human lived experience. Consequently, Arendt was highly dubious of being referred to as a philosopher, as she felt philosophy was, by its own essence, confined to the proverbial ivory tower. She believed political life was at the apex of human experience and so she identified as a political thinker/actor. Her emphasis on the phenomenological nature of the lived political experience permeates her life’s works and perhaps can be said to constitute her own distinct brand of political philosophy. Arendt’s early publication, Ideology & Terror: A Novel Form of Government, is a profound elucidation of the nature of the theretofore unprecedented (she argues) phenomenon of Totalitarianism and its â€Å"origins†¦ elements†¦ and functioning†¦ † A Novel Form of Government: Arendt posited that the totalitarian forms of â€Å"government and domination† (Arendt. 03) which characterised the Nationalist Socialist party in Germany and Stalin’s oppressive regime in Soviet Russia, which saw systematic genocide and terror visited upon literally millions of innocent people, were unprecedented in the history of political systems, and were not mere modern manifestations of ancient forms of violent government such as despotism or tyranny. She went further even, to suggest that totalitarian systems had destroyed the very foundations upon which traditional ideas and presuppositions of government rested. Although totalitarianism seemed to contain elements of tyrannical or despotic forms of government i. e. terror, violence, absolute power etc Arendt contended that totalitarian regimes differed in important ways which rendered them qualitatively distinct. Tyranny and dictatorships, she argues are marked by â€Å"Arbitrary power, unrestricted by law, yielded in the interest of the ruler and hostile to the interests of the governed, on one hand, fear as the principle of action, namely fear of the people by the ruler and fear of the ruler by the eople†¦ †(Arendt. 306) Terror, according to Arendt, has traditionally been used as a means to an end, or tool for tyrannical regimes, namely the end of maintaining and sustaining a position of power over its subjects. Totalitarian systems however, do not function in this way, ideologically at least, According to Arendt. â€Å"total terror leaves no arbitrary lawlessness behind it and does not rage for the sake of some arbitrary will or for the sake of despotic power of one man against all. † (Arendt. 311) Context and Content: In order to understand the nature (if there is one) of Totalitarianism forms of government, it is important first to understand both their historical contexts and the Ideologies which underpin them, as Totalitarian regimes, are by their nature ideological, as Arendt shows. Take for example National Socialism, the political ideology which took root in Germany during the 1930’s, characterised by militant nationalism and overtly inherent racism. The context in which the Nazi party rose to prominence was the extreme devastation, debt and resulting poverty and hunger left in Germany in the wake of the First World War. It can indeed be argued that Adolph Hitler’s demagoguery and flair for rousing public sympathy with his intense speeches, was also crucial to the widespread proliferation, acceptance and support for Nazi ideology, at a time when people yearned for a clear solution to their plight and poverty. Hitler’s bellicose rhetoric displayed a typical trait of ideologies; a final solution, the idea that the answer to all of life’s problems can be understood and solved by following a particular stringent course of action determined by a single unambiguous worldview. Ideologies-isms, which to the satisfaction of their adherents can explain everything and every occurrence by deducing it from a single premise† (Arendt. 315) Nazi Ideology had at its core, a politically and indeed racially motivated perversion of the Darwinian concept of a natural hierarchy of species, in which the stronger/more successful species would inevitably replace the weaker ones. Darwin’s profound insight into the ways in which organisms evolve was warped and misrepresented by the Nazis, who filtered it through their racist and nationalist worldview, justifying the extermination of Jews and other supposed degenerate races by claiming they were following and indeed implementing a Law of Nature. In Darwin, Arendt explains, the Nazi party had found what they saw as an unbending Natural Law, the very source from which positive (manmade) laws had been traditionally derived. far from being â€Å"lawless,† it goes to the sources of authority from which positive laws received their ultimate legitimation† (Arendt. 307) Arendt argues that this Law of Nature was taken to be a suprahuman edict which was used justify their campaign of terror and genocide, and furthermore usurp any positive laws which were counter-productive to their cause. Nature itself mandated the extermination of lesser â€Å"degenerate† races according to Nazi ideology. And so the carrying out and indeed hastening of the process of this â€Å"Natural† decree was the end which the Totalitarian regimes sough to effect. In fact, Totalitarian ideology sought for the actual societal embodiment of these supposed Laws of history and nature, and asserted that by the strict implantation and of these laws, a utopia on Earth would be realised. â€Å"the Law of Nature or the law of History, if properly executed, is expected to produce mankind as its end product† (Arendt. 307) Arendt is highly critical of this thinking which she describes as particular to Totalitarian government. One of the most obvious critiques which she makes is the complete disregard in this line of thinking for basic anthropological concerns i. e. ow humans actually tend to behave and function. â€Å"It applies the law directly to mankind without bothering with the behaviour of men†¦ Totalitarian policy claims to transform the human species into an active unfailing carrier of a law to which human beings otherwise would only passively and reluctantly be subjected† (Arendt. 307) Terror as the essence of Totalitarian rule: Built into the notion of executing the Laws of nature and history is an inherent eschewing of the legitimacy, importance and even relevance of manmade or positive laws, which are intended to govern and ease the functioning of societies in which people participate. The denial of positive laws and their replacement with the bringing into effect, a Law of Nature or indeed a Law of History as per Totalitarian ideology, is, Arendt argues largely what separates Totalitarian regimes from despotism and tyranny. Because they drew their justification from the very source of all positive laws i. e. Natural law, Totalitarian regimes were able to substantiate this denial of the legitimacy of positive laws by claiming that in aiming to produce the perfect rule of Natural Law on earth, that mankind itself would become the very â€Å"embodiment of the law† (Arendt. 08) By claiming to actualise and bring into effect fundamental laws which determine the inevitable course of history by establishing the perfect rule of Natural law on earth through use of terror, Totalitarian regimes subvert at the same time traditional notions of government and also notions of the utility of terror. Terror was no longer merely an arbitrary tool of oppression, (although it was of course the methodology with which the terrible ideology of Totalitarianism was realised) Terror was itself the embodied form which submission to the supposed Law of Nature took, or as Arendt puts it â€Å"Terror as the execution of a law of movement†¦ Arendt. 311)† Terror was in fact now the end goal itself; as such Terror is indeed Totalitarianism’s essence. Arendt uses a good analogy to illustrate this point. â€Å"the absence of crimes in any society does not render laws superfluous but, on the contrary, signifies their most perfect rule-so terror in totalitarian government has ceased to be a mere means for the suppression of opposition, though it is also used for such purposes. Terror becomes total when it becomes independent of all opposition; it rules supreme when nobody any longer stands in its way. If lawfulness is the essence of non-tyrannical government and lawlessness is the essence of tyranny, then terror is the essence totalitarian domination† Dangerous Ideology: What made Nazism and Stalinism so dangerous, according to Arendt, were not merely the ideas which characterised their respective ideologies i. e. racism and dialectical materialism, but the logic which one could arguably follow from these types of thinking. If Ideologies are the logic of ideas, (which they are! ) then it is the seemingly logical implications of these ideas, which made them dangerous. To put it simply, if one concludes that there are suprahuman forces which determine the very course of history, as espoused by Nazism and Stalinism, then one must be bound to follow the logical steps which lead from this idea. â€Å"Whoever agreed that there are such things as â€Å"dying classes† and did not draw the consequence of killing their members, or that the right to live had something to do with race and did not draw the consequence of killing â€Å"unfit races,† was plainly either stupid or a coward†. (Arendt. 318) The dangers of commitment to the logic of ideas bviously are determined by the extremity of the ideas themselves, however as Arendt rightly points out, it is this ice cold reasoning which both Hitler and Stalin were very fond of which gave their ideologies a trajectory of power and an pseudo-scientific guise which legitimated them. Rather than a principle of action aimed at some common good or societal benefit such as the prevention of crime, this â€Å"logicality of ideological thinking† (Arendt. 321) is what makes Totalitarian government tick. Isolation, The Phenomenology of Terror: As we have seen, terror is the essence of Totalitarianism. But it is important to realise exactly what this means for the experiencing subject of Totalitarian rule. Terror, Arendt explains, destroys the ability to engage in any public life. Isolation is the most salient feature of terror. Terror wrought isolation has been used throughout the centuries by tyrannical rulers to inhibit political agency and thus destroy the possibility of revoltâ€Å"†¦ terror can rule absolutely only over men who are isolated against each other and that, therefore, one of the primary concerns of all tyrannical government is to bring isolation about†¦ Isolation and impotence, that is the fundamental inability to act at all, have always been characteristic of tyrannies. † (Arendt. 321-322) The final way in which Totalitarian governments differ from those regimes of tyranny, which have also employed terror as a tactic, is for Arendt, the destruction by terror of the private sphere of human life. Total terror, as it were, is not content with merely destroying the public life of people and their ability to interact. Total terror permeates the mind and destroys the faculties of creativity and mental autonomy. Totalitarianism seeks to destroy the entire ability for people to create something new and bring it into the world. While it obviously needs to destroy the ability of political life, it also enforces utter personal isolation (loneliness) on the mind of the individual, so that he or she has no outlet vent and indeed no ability to form ideas of their own. â€Å"In isolation, man remains in contact with the world as the human artifice; only when the most elementary forms of human creativity, which is the capacity to add something of one’s own to the common world, are destroyed, isolation becomes altogether unbearable†¦ Totalitarian government, like all tyrannies, certainly could not exist without destroying the public realm of life, that is, without destroying, by isolating men, their political capacities but totalitarian domination as a form of government is new in that it is not content with this isolation and destroys private life as well. It bases itself on loneliness, on the experience of not belonging to the world at all, which is among the most radical and desperate experiences of man. † (Arendt. 24) The phenomenological and anthropological implications of this total terror are for Arendt the complete breakdown of the human actor. She argues that humans are essentially social beings who need social interaction to function and live as we are hardwired to do so; our complete sense of who we are and what our world means ultimately derives from our experience of interacting with others. â€Å"For the confirmation of my identity I depend entirely upon other people† (Arendt. 324) In conclusion I think it may be prudent to summarise the central elucidations which Arendt makes in Ideology and Terror. . Totalitarian governments were unprecedented governmental forms before the early 20th century. 2. Totalitarian governments are ideological in nature and functioning, and derive their justifications from suprahuman â€Å"Laws of Nature and History† and implement the logic of these ideas through use of terror. 3. Terror is the primary tool and also the essence of Totalitarian governments, i. e. Total terror becomes the actual embodied form of the Laws of History and nature made manifest 4.  Totalitarian governments destroy the ability to act politically as all tyrannies do, but also they destroy the realm of private life as well, rendering human existence a miserable one in attempting to make each person the actual embodiment of Natural and Historical Laws Arendt’s masterful work has shed light on one of the darkest periods in human history and it al so lends insight into the nature of government, society and the human subject more broadly speaking. She remains a seminal figure in the discipline of political philosophy and continues to inspire thought and debate to this day.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Education as the most important factor in the development Essay

Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country. Do you agree? The statement is about education is one of significant factor to build a modern country. And I, as a writer, believe that the statement is true. First of all, a country needs societies who have much knowledge that are useful. When societies have much awareness and that are usable, they can help government to build a perfect country that is appreciated by the other countries. For instance, some societies can take a part into ministry to distribute their ideas about developing country easily. If societies do not have some abilities about something important, they are difficult to share their information especially if they do not have useful part in government, people will hard to accept them. Afterwards, a country can be recognized by the other countries when it has societies that it can boast. When a country have became famous, all of countries, automatically, will make good cooperation with it, and it will be one of the best country in the world. On the other hand, some people claim that a country that wants to be a development country does not only need education, but it also needs some experiences to create great communication. They believe that a country can be perfect when it has many experiences that can make the other countries interest to make good cooperation. Sometimes people who have have fine communication experiences understand how to influence someone and they have known what they should do to make the other people fascinate. Finally, I agree that education is one important section to in the development country even though the other people think that a country does not really need education. So, what is your ways and ideas to create a perfect country?

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Instructional Design and Program Evaluation Essay

Instructional Design and Program Evaluation - Essay Example A review of the literature in online learning revealed critical strategies for effective teaching practices (Palloff & Pratt, 1999 & 2000; Graham, C., Kursat. C., Byung-Ro, L., et al.   2001; Lewis, L., Farris, E., Snow, K., & Levine, D. 1999; Candiotti & Clarke, 1998; Schrum & Berge, 1998; Ladon, E. H., 2002). According to the literature, an effective instructor should focus on many factors in order to create a successful online learning environment. The following are instructor characteristics that are synthesized from the aforementioned scholars: accept the value of facilitated learning as equal to that of the traditional model; demonstrate a broad base of life experiences in addition to academic credentials; possess characteristics of openness, concern, flexibility, and sincerity; feel comfortable communicating in writing; want to introduce critical thinking into the learning process; possess the appropriate credentials to teach the subject matter; be experienced and well train ed in online learning; demonstrate a very rich, active, respectful and responsive style of communication; provide a safe climate; invite input regarding the goals and agenda of the course; establish a sense of community among the learners; keep students aware of where they stand with respect to the course evaluation process; assess student learning without using tests requiring memorization; be online nearly every day; create places in an online environment where students can ask for help.... Revisions, however, are limited to delivery method and teaching strategies. The below, reviewing empirical and theoretical literature on online learning, contains a set of recommendations designed to enhance the learning experience and facilitate student's understanding. 3 Online Learning A review of the literature in online learning revealed critical strategies for effective teaching practices (Palloff & Pratt, 1999 & 2000; Graham, C., Kursat. C., Byung-Ro, L., et al. 2001; Lewis, L., Farris, E., Snow, K., & Levine, D. 1999; Candiotti & Clarke, 1998; Schrum & Berge, 1998; Ladon, E. H., 2002). According to the literature, an effective instructor should focus on many factors in order to create a successful online learning environment. The following are instructor characteristics that are synthesized from the aforementioned scholars: accept the value of facilitated learning as equal to that of the traditional model; demonstrate a broad base of life experiences in addition to academic credentials; possess characteristics of openness, concern, flexibility, and sincerity; feel comfortable communicating in writing; want to introduce critical thinking into the learning process; possess the appropriate credentials to teach the subject matter; be experienced and well trained i n online learning; demonstrate a very rich, active, respectful and responsive style of communication; provide a safe climate; invite input regarding the goals and agenda of the course; establish a sense of community among the learners; keep students aware of where they stand with respect to the course evaluation process; assess student learning without using tests requiring memorization; be online nearly every day; provide two types

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Minorities in Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Minorities in Management - Term Paper Example In most companies, the more shares one has, the control they exert in the management of the organization. As such, they have powers to make decisions, basing on the influence of their large share volumes that protect their interests, even if the said decisions undermine the rights of minority shareholders. Under such leadership, the minority in the organization do not have a say in the management decisions of the company, thereby putting their investments at risk (Collins, Emsell & Haydon, 2011). Corporate governance dictates that an organization should uphold the rights of all the members of their organization. As such, the management team should comprise of all groups and unique members in the organization. Contrary to this, most management teams only consist of majority groups, those who have power, wealth, and influence to control and manipulate managerial decisions for their own personal benefits. For instance, most management teams comprised of only men. The male dominance in s uch organizations denies the female fraternity in the organization their rights and privileges. In addition, this denies these female counterparts freedom to express their rights freely, as well as, the freedom to advance their careers. Such organizations with gender imbalance form the top of the management team also experiences gender related violence and discrimination within the other levels of the organization, all the way to the lower levels (Maume, 2012). However, numerous scholars in the business industry disagree on the idea of the increase of minority managers within the organization, or within an organizational management. In fact, the argument centers around the possibility of whether an increase in minority managers marks a vacuous or real progress in the gains made towards elimination of racial bias within the labor market. In some cases, the minorities in management are those of a different race, or a different social class or social status within the community, these minority managers and supervisors end up holding very mediocre positions in the company. For instance, the minority in management end up getting job assignments that are less challenging. In addition, they hold positions that are most vulnerable to layoffs compared to those from the majority or major groups (Wrench, 2012). However, some majority groups continuously enjoy protection and favoritism in the organization. Bottom-up ascription processes support the fact that, among subordinates, those minority employees working for or reporting to a minority boss earn a lesser amount of cash compared to the workers under a majority manager. This is despite their high level of commitment to their work and responsibilities at their workplace. Eventually, this leads to lower productivity within the organization because the people who work hard the most in the company get the lowest levels or amounts of compensation. The low remuneration level demotivates these workers, especially those repor ting to minority managers. These workers end up in a go slow or any other industrial action in order to express their dissatisfaction. Others even decide to quit their current positions and search for better employment opportunities in order companies (Collins, Emsell & Haydon, 2011). Resignation of employees results in a high rate of workers turnover, which also drops the productivity levels of the organization, as it will spend more replacing the employees and managers who resign. A company

Asset pricing models (CAPM and APT) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Asset pricing models (CAPM and APT) - Essay Example The information of risk observed in similar types of the asset in the market will help the investor to get a true picture towards acquiring the asset. The observed risk factors will help in determining the real value of that asset (Kerzner & Saladis, 2010). There are many small investors who are the price taker. There is no tax on the asset. Investment should be of public related assets for example: shares and bonds. All the investors are adopting same strategy and provide combine information about the asset (Fabozzi et al., 2006). Investor can get information from the market to apply CAPM model, but it is also possible that the information is incomplete or not at large practiced. The investors in market applying CAPM pricing model are basically small investors. Small investors usually buy little bit stocks of asset and sell if the price of that asset increased (KÃ ¼rschner, 2008). The risk factor cannot be perfectly determined by the small investors because they acquire the assets on equilibrium price set by the market. Small investors can take risk but valuable risk factor can be determined by the large investors. Although tax on the asset is generally added to the cost of the asset but in determining the price model of CAPM, the tax factor will not be included. The information regarding the particular asset does not contain the information of tax imposed on it (Loskamp, 2007). APT is the model which can provide well diversified information about the risk factors as well as expected returns of that asset. Agents are appointed under this model to get information quite reliable regarding the risk and returns of an asset. Agent provides the expected returns of the asset depending on his experience. Risk factor calculated by the agent is more preferable because it is actually based on the whole market review (Focardi & Fabozzi, 2004). The agents charge price for providing information of the asset. Investor has to choose the agent which has the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Describe and assess the listener's experience of two different Assignment - 1

Describe and assess the listener's experience of two different composition or two performances of the same composition - Assignment Example In this way, each epoch left its aims and values in music. This essay will focus on the art of Beethoven and Satie to show how different music can be in its aims and purposes. Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 is a legend in the world of classical music. It represents inner fight of as man who has to choose its further way in life. It is not surprising that the second title of the symphony is Fate. Beethoven’s fate is not the music for relaxation. It is dull of controversies and opposition which cannot leave anybody indifferent. The melody transforms from the nervous passages from the first movement to the calm and moderate moods in the second one. This music shows inner hesitation of people when they need to make their life choices. Gravy full chords in the beginning of the piece quickly transform into the light passages which remind thoughtfulness young people who cannot focus on the most important things in their lives. At the same time, the fate theme interrupts any light process in one’s thinking making everything more complicated. The second movement of the symphony is totally opposite to the first one. It reminds of a place when all people can feel calm. Harmony and calmness are two general values which are recognized by different world cultures and people. In this way, the symphony meets their standards and becomes universal in the context of global community. Overall, the music by Beethoven is never simple. It is full of controversy, hesitation and fear. At the same time, it represents great feeling of optimism, harmony and happiness. Perception of Beethoven depends on one’s mood to the great extent. All people are free to find reflections of their life problems in this complicated, controversial and beautiful music. Music by Erik Satie traces a totally different message for its listeners. For instance, Hypnomedie â„â€" 1 by Erik Satie is music of modernity. It is less certain than

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Business goverance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business goverance - Essay Example 491). There are several principles applied in leadership of organization and others that act as supporting platforms for delegation. These include aspects of game theory, agency theory and leadership techniques (Bendor, Glazer & Hammond, 2001 p. 241). The ally principle is among the widely used delegation strategy. There are various delegation principles and processes applicable to delegation in either teams or individual play. The ally principle of delegation is the widely applied practice in the process of delegating in many organizations. The ally principle in delegation entails that the person in authority, when there is an opportunity for delegation, he picks the agent closest to them for the job. This definition to this principle underlies in the belief that, those entities closest to the authority and who hold a similar line of thought, as well as, foster the ideologies of the authority are at the best position to foster the organizational goals. The practice of delegation to a close entity gives the authority space to allow the person or group they give authority to work in freedom. There are several levels of delegation using the ally principle. In delegating via either principle, whether ally or any other, the levels of delegation include the following. There is the delegation in which the authority gives the directions precisely for the person delegated work (Gersen, 2012 p. 2193). Secondly, the authority can tell the junior to look at the situation and report, then the authority decides, or they decide together. Additionally, the delegation can be allowing the junior to look at the situation, make the decision and wait for approval from the authority before proceeding. Moreover, the delegation can allow the agent to make decisions and implement them then report the outcome later. Lastly, the delegation may

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Clifford Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Clifford - Essay Example Evidential theory was therefore seen as an attempt to disrupt the peoples believes in God, because it justified an action basing on the existence of an evidence to support the claim. The position of this paper, is that the theory of evidentialism is the best method of justifying the occurrences of events and a belief in a deity. Arguments: According to the theory of evidentialism, an individual needs to believe an issue or an idea only if there is sufficient evidence that proves the issue or idea is correct. Clifford (2) argues that there is no justification for an individual to believe on a claim or idea without observing any sufficient evidence. According to Clifford (2) this kind of a person violates the law that regulates the ethics of belief. On the other hand, Clifford also argues that when the evidence is sufficient enough to prove a claim, and people still do not believe a claim, then these people are also guilty of breaching the laws that regulate the ethics of belief (Cliff ord, 7). On this basis, it is important to denote that belief has a law, and the main tenet of this law lies on the existence of an evidence. Clifford (1) effectively manages to use the example of a ship owner for purposes of explaining and justifying his theories of evidentialism. For instance, Clifford denotes that a ship owner failed to observe the laws that govern the ethics of belief by allowing his ship to sail, when he had doubts over the capability of the same ship to make a voyage. The ship under consideration was old, and needed many repairs (Clifford, 2). Despite these facts, the ship owner decided to allow the ship to make a voyage, just because the same ship had made many successful voyages before, and in the same condition. This, in Clifford’s view is against the laws that govern and regulate the ethics of belief. On this basis therefore, the ship owner was wrong, and it doesn’t matter whether the voyage was successful or not. From his explanations, we ca n denote that Clifford was of the opinion that the ship owner had an option of carrying out an investigation to prove on the ability of the ship to make a voyage. This is by making the necessary repairs, and having experts to examine its capability. The ship owner comes under severe criticisms from Clifford, because his actions were based on faith and providence, and in Clifford’s opinion, these do not justify the belief of a claim (Clifford, 12). Clifford also gives an explanation of consciousnes

Friday, August 23, 2019

Impact of Instructional Coaching on Students Thesis

Impact of Instructional Coaching on Students - Thesis Example The thesis represents the comprehensive analysis regarding the subject matter of impact of instructional coaching on students’ achievements. The report comes under division into five major components. The introduction of the testimony elucidates the background information with reference to the topic of concern, which comes under following by the literature review segment that enlightens the deeper learning about the topic under discussion. The hypothesis explicitly states the theme that would come under focus in the project report. The findings of various themes under discourse are also a crucial part that has come under integration that would enlighten how the evaluation methods can help assess the impact of instructional coaching on students and their performances. ... Therefore, all the inhabitants of each culture respect the value and role of knowledge, as they are well aware of the fact that education is one of the imperative elements that can make an individual reach the heights of success (Adams &  Hamm, 2005). As everyone comes under acquaintance with the advancements that the world has encountered until the twenty first century, this has brought constructive alterations, developments, growth, and expansions in all fields that even include the education and learning practice and curriculums for the students. As an outcome of such novelties, the methods and techniques of teaching have also transformed, and hence augmented the new and modern ways of schooling and education. Thus, this process has become an ongoing practice that can lead to enhance the performance of the students and boost their level of understanding (Adams &  Hamm, 2005). Out of numerous teaching methods that have come under introduction and practice, instructional coachin g is amongst one of those modern ways that has come under implementation in the recent times. According to the web definition, an instructional coach is someone who â€Å"maintains a non-evaluative, learning relationship as a professional developer working with a teacher. Both coach and teacher share the expressed goal of learning together, thereby improving instruction and student achievement† (Gwazdauskas &  Northcentral University, pp.8, 2009). In other words, an instructional coach is primarily and professionally accountable for implementing the evidence-based learning practices into the classrooms of the school in accordance with the teachers and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hearts Essay Example for Free

Hearts Essay This case is about a company named Hearts ‘R Us. This company provides research and development for medical devices. According to the information provided the company is in its early stage and has no products in the market. They have developed a Heart Valve System that would be revolutionary in the market if is approved. Also there’s another company called Bionic Body that is a biological medical device company, they have another product that would work well with this new Heart Valve System. Therefore both companies decided to fuse by agreement. The agreement is as follows: $3.5 million preferred stock shares of Series A from Heart Company are sold to Bionics with a par value of $1 each. This transaction was completed on November 30, 2011, according to the information provided. This transaction gave Bionic specific rights: 1. Board Rights, 2. Mandatory Conversion right, 3. Contingent Redemption Rights. Additional Protective Rights, 5. Right of first refusal and Co-Sale Rights. The $3.5 millions of shares would be convertible in common stock according to the agreement when the IPO reaches net proceeds of at least $50 millions. It is stated that if on year five of the agreement the FDA has not yet approve the product to be in the market; the shares could be redeemed at its par value. Hearts R Us is a company that reports on a year basis and it’s planning to make an IPO soon. There are a couple of issues surrounding this case. First is an early-stage company that doesn’t have the financial stability and this might create trouble for further transactions. The only product that might be coming to the market still depends on a series of trials and the approval of the FDA. Since the company is just starting; all of its accounting transactions have being recorded to comply with the covenants of its outstanding debt. Furthermore they are not required to comply with SEC and are currently not doing so. Also theirs an issue of how to be done to register the Series A shares that have being sold to Bionic. Preferred Stock: A security that has preferential rights compared to common stock. †¢Participation Rights: contractual rights of security holders to receive dividends or returns from the security issuer’s profits, cash flows, or returns on investment. FASB has some guide lines of how companies should report or disclose information of their securities. 1.FASB: addresses disclosure of information about capital arrangement is in the FASB Codification 505-10-50-3. 2.Participation Right is contractual right of security holders to receive dividends or returns from security issuer’s profits, cash flows or returns on investments. †¢FASB Codification 505. An entity shall explain, in summary form within its financial statements, the pertinent rights and privileges of the various securities outstanding. Examples of information that shall be disclosed are dividend and liquidation preferences, participation right, call prices and dates, conversion or exercise prices or rates and pertinent dates, sinking-fund requirements, unusual voting rights, and significant terms of contracts to issue additional shares. An entity shall disclose within its financial statements the number of shares issued upon conversion, exercise, or satisfaction of required conditions during at least the most recent annual fiscal period and any subsequent interim period presented.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Learning Team Reflection Essay Example for Free

Learning Team Reflection Essay I guess for me I am struggling with how to forecast and predict what is important enough to know what criteria is relevant information to use for the success of my organization. Since I only work in one area of the whole organization how do you predict when you are not privy to important information to know what direction to go in. I am hoping to learn how to think way outside the box and be able to see the bigger picture. One question I do have though will the company be as successful if I only concentrate on the success of the area I work in? I get how strategic management can be beneficial to an organization, and I get how ethics should play a role as well. I see the way people have done wrong actions in a company is almost like having cancer in your organization. It can slowly take over or be swift and destroy a organization. I see both issues in my work place. People riding the cuff of what is wrong behavior and out right breaking the rules. All of that behavior disrupts the goal of the organization to run effectively and efficiently. Looking forward to further discussions. After completing the assignments and reading the objectives I think I am comfortable talking about environmental scan both internal and external and how it is different from a SWOT analysis. Environmental scanning is made up of observation, reviewing, and ultimately circulating the data gathered from external and internal envi ronments based on the decisions made by the staff of the organization. This process is applied by the organization in the case of a worst case scenario; it allows an organization to carefully take care of conflicts compared to struggling to salvage a situation which is causing financial setbacks for the organization. In regards to discussing the external factors of an organization and why they should be reviewed as part of the internal environmental scan, below are some reasons why this should happen. 1. Economic forces: Regulates the transferring of materials, money, energy, and information (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 99). 2. Technological forces: Is what generates problem-solving inventions (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 99).  3. Political–legal forces: Is what allocates power and provides constraining and protecting laws and regulations (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 99). 4. Sociocultural forces: Is what regulates the values, mores, and customs of society (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 99). In regards to discussing some of the internal considerations of an organization and why the organization should evaluate them as part of the internal environmental scan, the following are some reason: 1. Value: Is when it provides customers value and competitive advantage (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 138). 2. Rareness: Is when other competitors possess it (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 138). 3. Imitability: Is when it becomes costly for others to imitate (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 138). 4. Organization: Is when the organization utilizing the resource to its advantage (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 138). There is a difference from Environmental scan and a traditional SWOT due to the environmental scan gathering data while the SWOT is more involved with gathering information and research to establish an ultimate plan. In last week’s class I got a better understanding of the 4 phases of strategic management which are basic financial planning, forecast-based planning, externally oriented strategic planning and strategic management. By emphasizing what strategic management actually means to an organization I was able to get a more in depth concept of the benefits such as how performance can be improved by providing organizational learning tactics understanding the strategic vision of the organization. I can actually relate to this because I have recently completed my green belt lean six sigma which allows me to be part of working groups that have been task to identify gaps and improve business processes and practices in various area in the logistics directorate in which I work. By being part of a working group at work and also being in this strategic management class I truly believe that this will increase my development in the area of strategic thinking to be an impact player in my organizati on. I look forward to these next few weeks. Reference Wheelen, T.L., Hunger, J.D. (2010). Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy (12th ed.). Retrieved from University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Smartphone Market Trends With Pest Analysis In Korea

Smartphone Market Trends With Pest Analysis In Korea The Korean telecom company called KT has published that the major customer of smart phone is men and women in their 20s and 30s who live in capital area. They have a need to buy new mobile phone when their existing phone is out of order or behind in fashion. Even some Macolytes who is enthusiastic in apple products tend to be dissatisfied at not getting new iPhone. After recognizing problems, they get loads of information about new mobile phone from their friends, relatives, internet community and media. As the number of smartphone users is increasing, many smart phone companies have been trying to penetrate Koreas smartphone market. Apples biggest direct competitor is Samsung. While Apple sells only iPhone series, Samsung keeps a rich assortment of goods. Samsung sells cheaper mobile phone targeted at teenagers or a little bit expensive mobile phone which includes a lot of functions aimed at adult and CEO. Like this, Samsung does not overwhelm with material superiority but targets segment market. Therefore, customers can make a choice what they want in their price category. As I mentioned earlier, Samsung sells various kinds of smartphone for different age groups. The Left targets at teenager and the Right aims at adults. Contrary to existing galaxy series smartphone, galaxy pop offers various color and it can satisfy young peoples desires and their personality with inexpensive price. A celebrity who is popular with teenagers appears in commercial advertisement, and the ad encourages young customer to buy it. On the other hand, galaxy s4 is equipped with the latest and the best performance. Samsung installs a lot of billboards to advertise the product. The company offers flip cover with discounted price only for several days and even gives voucher which can enjoy mobile TV. Smartphone market Trends with PEST analysis in Korea. Political Factor Abolition of WIPI obligation WIPI (Wireless Internet Platform for Interoperability) is a platform used in South Korea. It is basic software which is same function as OS used in personal computer. Korean mobile communication companies made their own wireless internet platform in a different ways and lots of contents manufacturers had to make same contents in various ways. Therefore it caused unnecessary waste. Government carried out regulation to reduce waste to a minimum. However, Apple, Nokia and other companies made their mobile phones with their own platform. So that companies had to change their platform to entry Korean mobile phone market. With these difficulties, many companies are reluctant to penetrate Korean market. Eventually, Korea government abolished the WIPI obligation. After Multinational manufacturer entering Korean market, mobile market became more competitive. Especially, Apple affected various positive effects for existing apple customer and this affirmative response continued. Economic Factor Consumption Promotion With the smart phone, more and more people use mobile contents which called application program. In application market, there are lots of categories so consumers are able to buy what they want. As people are using smartphone, loads of applications are activated naturally. Even some people develop their own application program and create profits. At the same time, they make a great contribution to mobile contents market. Eventually smartphone is one of the main factor which promotes application consumption and makes mobile market more active. Social Factor consumer trend, various age groups Originally, only young people who can accept change quickly prefer to use smartphone. As time goes by, however, various age people started to use smartphone. At first, they are not familiar with using smartphone and application, but now many people get accustomed to utilizing their smartphone. Another factor is consumer trend. Many people want to get loads of information in real time. Even in public transportations like metro or bus, consumer search latest information. Customers want to get a lot of information as soon as possible. Technology Factor Camera, GPS, People consider Camera as important factor in smartphone. They dont have to carry their own camera when they want to take pictures and they can just take pictures with high pixel camera in smartphone. With GPS, consumer can know where they are now and how to go to their destination. Consumers are no longer afraid of getting lost due to GPS. Apple Analysis Organization Figure Apple organization structure. Apple organization is so simple and not conventional. It is vastly different from other companies organization chart. At first, Apple doesnt have committee and organization management. The company only has CFO which controls profit and loss. Most of companies tend to regard profit and loss as ultimate result of management responsibility however, in Apple, only CFO pays attention to their profit and loss. As a result, workers can share their ideas with bottom up not top down. Brand Strength Figure Apple ranked as Worlds most valuable brand Apples strengths are retail stores, customer service, leading innovator and financial reports, First of all, Apple opened own retail stores all over the world. It is estimated that about 280 stores in 10 countries. Most of retail stores are a success because consumers have an opportunity to learn and use about the product in stores. Second, Apple is known for good customer service. Apple is home to many sales representatives who are trained customer service and information. Apple also offers free online chat function and replies the answer to consumers inquiry. The Third strength is leading innovator. Apple is regarded as most innovative company. The company can produce innovative products and its innovation affects another mobile company. Final strength is financial reports. The financial performance of apple is better than many companies. It has high gross profit margin. Positioning Apple offers various applications and service through iTunes and app store. This is main positioning of apple and thats why the companys main consumers are in their 20s and 30s who have strong purchasing power. Figure Past iPhone campaign history The iphone3 campaign is simple. Apple just emphasizes price and speed. Actually many people thought that there is no big difference between iPhone3 and iPod. But after releasing iPhone 4, the campaign is totally different. Apple introduced new function which called face-time. iPhone4 users could call their family or friends with face to face. The most important factor that apple emphasizes about iPhone 4s is Siri. Consumers can order action with their voice and the product takes an action. Like this, the past iPhone campaign is quite innovative but it isnt useful in real life. For example, Siri is not offered on the Korean iPhone therefore it is hard to use Siri for Korean consumer. Another failure is face time. Because lots of Korean mobile phones have already offered video call, Korean didnt think it is special. Therefore considering this failure, the most important iPhone 5 campaign slogan is Innovative but Practical iPhone 5 communications objectives. Make iphone5 faster than before. Add the ability to watch TV in everywhere. Extend the battery life Make up for yellow gate and camera. Target audiences The existing target audience is men aged 18-35 however now it would be changed. The main iPhone 5 target audiences are in their early 20s and mid-30s. These groups of people have strong purchasing power and they are very sensitive to the changes. The reason that I exclude teenagers from target audiences is they tend to buy their mobile phone according to the situation and they dont have any income so it is hard to make them as long-term customers. Many people including existing users were dissatisfied at the short battery life. Showing the main problem-solving, Apple persuade consumer to buy the product. This is helpful to leave positive images which Apple is trying to communicate with consumer. Consumer in their 20s and 30s are very sensitive to the latest trends and sometimes they feel depressed when they cannot have latest product. People want to buy not only products but also the brands name. Apple has to understand the character of target audiences, and make them feel .superior. Promotional tools Advertising Media broadcast, print, outdoor, in store Blogs upload information about new iPhone and draw intention. Broadcast emphasize the iPhone 5 speed. Print Print new slogan Public relations Press release updates every month Video news Make iPhone channel at Youtube and upload regularly Direct Marketing Email Send emails to all apple consumers with introduction of iPhone 5 Personal selling Trained sales person provides information and spend time with new customers. Create long relationships between seller and buyer Persuade to purchase new product Sales Promotions Discounting price Offer discounted price to student and existing users who bring their iPhone series. Samples Retail stores allow consumers to try the iPhone5 Voucher When customers buy iPhone 5, Apple give voucher Suggestions for relevant media Social Network Media According to the research graph, more and more Korean people are getting use their own social network. With using social network, the company can attract a lot of social network users. For example, on Facebook, most of users age is from 18 to 35 which is our main target audience. So If the company target on Social Media such as facebook, twitter etc, the company can attract a lot of main target consumer. Customers will be interested in new iPhone, and they could express their own opinion on Social network. The best advantage using this media is the company can communicate with the consumers and advertise effectively with a small charge. TV commercial advertisement. The TV commercial is the easiest way for customers to get new information about iPhone. During for only 2-30 seconds, the commercial could effect on customers. Nowadays, it becomes more and more important to choose advertising background music. With using TV ad music, it also can emphasize the products various advantages. TV commercial advertising expenditure is most expensive than other advertisement, but it is one of effective means to inform the public. Creative Strategy Emphasize the better battery and offer portable chargers. Many Korean people think that the most disadvantage of iPhone is the battery. Contrary to other competitors, iPhone has a built-in battery. So the company has to extend the battery life, and emphasize the major improvement. And the company will offer free portable chargers for consumer during specific period. Apple sticks to make iPhone with built-in battery. Instead of making portable battery, offering portable chargers could be differentiation strategy and it also conserves iPhones unique design. Like this, if the battery life is longer, lots of customers would satisfy the new iPhone and they will also suggest their friends or family. Advertising with new function The new function of iPhone is DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting). As I target at Korean mobile market, launching iPhone with DMB could draw consumers interest. In Korea, during commuting hours, lots of workers tend to spend their time with watching TV in metro or buses. Previously, because Apple didnt add this features, many Korean apple users used to experience discomfort. Combining with 4:3 screen ratios and Apples Retina Display, the company would provide target audience with crystal clear images. In summary, new slogan of iPhone is practical and unique. I will adhere to existing unique design and make up for shortcomings. The main objectives of iPhone 5 marketing is to emphasize the better battery life, new DMB functions and higher speed than before. To target main audience, I will advertise on Social Media and TV commercial advertisement in priority. With this advertising, the company is able to attract major consumers. I also want to stretch more budgets for advertising and sales promotions than before. With promoting consumers about the extended battery life, the company can offer free portable battery charges as sales promotions. Using this promotional tool appropriately, the company would be successful on iPhone5.

E-Commerce: The Importance of Gaining the Trust of Consumers :: Personal Narrative Writing

E-Commerce: The Importance of Gaining the Trust of Consumers A crisp autumn breeze rustles through the trees, while I attempt to carry four bags of groceries up the two flights of stairs leading to my New York apartment. The anticipation I had previously felt while awaiting this important day, has now turned into extreme excitement. Today is the day of my interview with my possible future boss. Since I have just recently finished my fourth year of graduate school, I spent the entire summer searching the New York companies and firms for a reasonable job in the marketing business. I received my degree from Columbia University in the marketing aspects of online shopping. During school I studied techniques on how to effectively construct marketing websites. After three weeks of interviews and diligent searches for a respectable position, I became frustrated and overwhelmed. Fortunately, when I was just about to apply for a temporary teaching position at a nearby computer technical college, I met Ray Burke. Actually our very meeting was coincidence. After finishing a walk with my golden retriever, Benjamin, I was relaxing in a small street corner coffee shop when I first spotted Ray Burke. Benjamin became excited by a passing poodle, and took off knocking Ray Burke to his feet. Mortified, I dashed over to the spot where Ray Burke was now spread out on the ground, and observed that he was an older man around sixty. What was left of his gray hair was randomly dispersed and appeared to be stuck to his head with gel. His navy suite jacket was now muddy from his fall. I immediately started apologizing for Benjamin. However, to my surprise, Ray Burke was not mean and angry about the accident. Instead, he actually invited me inside and offered to buy me a cup of coffee. As we sipped our mocha lattes, he asked me about my work and I explained to him that I was n ow searching for a position as developing online markets and websites, but that I was struggling to find jobs in the market. Although I know that the situation was probably mere coincidence, that day I thought what followed next in our conversation was pure fate. Ray Burke turned out to be the CEO of a major marketing company in New York City that recently started a marketing branch concerning the construction of online electronic shopping sites.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Invisible Poor :: essays research papers

I believe that the wealthy Americans have moved farther away from the poor then in past generations. James Fallows in †The Invisible Poor† clearly shows how the new technology millionaires awareness of the poor has diminished greatly. I believe that this is due to several reasons the most important being the young age in which wealth and success are reached. The technology millionaires are much younger then previous generations of millionaires and thus are removed much earlier one. They find success very easy and can not see why others can’t obtain the same wealth as they have. They also limit their circle of friends to those with similar interests or backgrounds. They have limited time and only spend what free time they have (beyond family and work obligations) with those who they are comfortable with. This comfort is generated by their common threads such as education, similar employment or social activities. When the rich stay within this circle they no longer are exposed to the poor and thus they forget that they exist. When they are exposed to the poorer people it makes them uncomfortable (like when the cleaning lady was around) instead of dealing with it or helping they choose to avoid the situation. Figuring if you avoid it then you’re not admitting that it exists, thus not having to deal with them. I believe that since the article was written times have changed somewhat with the collapse of the stock market in a sense. Many people losing their jobs in the high tech world may bring some of them back to reality and acknowledge those less fortunate. They are now looking for jobs and finding that their skills were limited to the high tech industry. Many are now taking lower paying jobs to get by. They have discovered that the wealth of stock options are now worth allot less. Making many of them near poverty themselves.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

England :: essays research papers

England England is a country, and I'm glad I came from it. There are lots of fun things you can do, and a lot of famous sites you can visit. Even though it is far away it really isn't that different from the US. In England the style of clothing is not much different from here. In the summer they wear shorts and short sleeve shirts. In the winter they wear pants and long sleeve shirts. Their climate isn't much different than ours so that's why the style of close is so closely related. A typical Sunday dinner in England is roast beef "which there is called a joint," vegetables, and pie with hot custard sauce. A common snack is fish or french fries. Most people drink tea at most of their meals, but a strong deal of people drink coffee. There are lots of interesting facts about England. The capital of England is London, and the official language spoken in England is English. England has a national song which is "God Save the Queen." In 1986 an estimate of the population in England was 46,821,000. The highest point in England is Scafell Pike, 3,210 ft, and the lowest point in England is The Fens, sea level. In England there is a lot of sites to see, and one of the greatest would be the Tower of London. It is a great fortress, with not to pleasurable memories. In there Queen Elizabeth 1 and Sir Walter Raleigh were imprisoned. Anne Buleyn was killed there. You could take a tour deep below the castle to see the beautiful crown jewels. England is also famous for the Buckingham Palace. There is where the Queen of England lives. At the Buckingham Palace you can see a wonderful ceremony called the Changing of the Guard. In this ceremony men with red tunics

Saturday, August 17, 2019

An American Tragedy: How a Good Company Died Essay

This case study tells us the story of Burgmaster Corp which is a machine tool maker company. Burgmaster was a thriving enterprise by 1965, when annual sales amounted to about $8 million. Although it needed backing to expand, it sold out to Buffalo-based conglomerate Houdaille Industries Inc. The case study also, inform us too many machine- tool and auto parts factories are silent, too many U.S. industries still can’t hold their own. Holland uses Burgmaster’s demise to explore some key issues of economic and trade policy. The LBO chocked off Burgmaster’s investment funds when foreign competition made them most necessary. Houdaille’s charge that a cartel led by the Japanese government had injured U.S. tool makers. Holland offers plenty of ammunition by creating enormous pressure to generate cash. Burgmaster pushed its products out as fast as possible. It shipped defective machines . It promised customers features that engineers hadn’t yet designed. The External Forces for Burgmaster Corp Demise : 1- The Government policies : tax laws and macroeconomics policies that encourage LBOs and speculation instead of productive investment. 2- Pentagon procurement policies for favoring exotic, custom machines over standard, low cost models. 3- The indusrial policy: Domestic tool makers were too complacent when imports seized the lower end of the product line, the ill prepared for change and struggling to restructure. 4- A cartel led by the Japanese government had injured U.S. tool makers. 5- Foreign competition made. The Internal Forces for Burgmaster Corp Demise : 1- The system for computerizing production scheduling was too crude . 2- High cost and much expensive machines  3- Defective machines as a result of pushing products as fast as possible without regarding to quality and customers’ needs 4- NO Cash to fund process and procedures to face competition. 5- No formula was a substitute for management involvement on the shop floor . 6- A dramatic depiction of supply snafus that resulted in delays and cost increases. The role of the operations management in that demise: Companies must be competitive to sell their goods and services in the marketplace. This company didn’t follow the operations management principles or functions in its three major departments : finance , operations and marketing. Burgmaster Corp didn’t identify customer needs. It didn’t follow the policy of low price and high quality.   It didn’t be able to reflect joint efforts of product snd service design . No match between financial resources , operations capabilities , supply chains and consumer needs. It didn’t follow inventory strategy to be competitive . It neglected operations strategy. It didn’t develop productivity measures for all operations. It didn’t develop methods for achieving productivity improvements such as : soliciting ideas from workers and reexamining the way work is done.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Crimes Against Children Essay

ABSTRACT Child abuse clearly has a negative impact on children and can result in behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and developmental difficulties. This may lead to greater difficulties later in life that will extend into adulthood. The use of proper investigation techniques and appropriate handling of cases, however, can result in less traumatization for child abuse victims. I. Introduction According to Hess & Orthmann (2010), law enforcement agencies are charged with investigating all crimes, but the responsibility is greater when children are involved. Because children are more vulnerable than other members of society, their protection under the law must be greater. Crimes against children cover an extensive range of crimes, including but not limited to: maltreatment, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, abduction, trafficking and molestation. Child abuse investigations involve many challenges and therefore warrant specific techniques and considerations for successful outcomes in terms of cases solved and prosecutions. This paper will begin by defining specific terms that are germane to the topic of crimes against children. The next section will provide a scope of the problem concerning crimes against children. The following section will offer a theory framework to account for offenders of crimes against children. The fifth section will offer a literature review of current research findings regarding crimes against children investigative techniques. This is followed by a discussion section that will identify strategies and recommendations for successful investigative outcomes. Finally, the last section will summarize and conclude the important aspects of crimes against children investigation strategies as they relate to successful outcomes and prosecution. The significance of this paper is that it contributes to the criminal  justice system by critically reviewing investigative strategies and techniques as they relate to their mission of successful outcomes in crimes against children cases. This paper is written for colleagues and clerisy who have a professional or academic interest in reducing crimes against children through utilizing the best investigative strategies and techniques. II. Maltreatment of Children Defined Maltreatment means to treat someone roughly or abusive (Hess & Orthmann, 2010). The four common types of maltreatment include neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse. A. Child Neglect – The failure to meet a child’s basic needs. This could include starving a child, or not keeping a child clean and well-kempt. B. Physical Abuse – Refers to violence against a child. While the laws may vary from state to state regarding the specifics of what constitutes physical abuse towards a child, this term refers to excessive abuse such as punching, strangling, or causing bodily harm to a child. C. Emotional Abuse – Involves causing fear or feelings of unworthiness in a child. This may include hurling insults at a child, or intimidating a child. D. Sexual abuse – Sexually molesting a child, performing sexual acts, statutory rape, and seduction (Hess et al, 2010). III. Scope of the Problem The extent of the problem is described by two conflicting views. One on side of the spectrum, there is a maximalist alarmist perspective and on the other side there is the minimalist skeptical perspective. The maximalist alarmist perspective believes that child abuse and neglect is reaching epidemic proportions and unless drastic steps are taken child abuse will continue and only get worse. The minimalists consider the maximalist view to be overly exaggerated and overstated for their own self-serving purpose (Hess et al, 2010). According to Juvenile Offenders and Victims 2006 National Report, child fatalities are the most tragic consequences of maltreatment. An estimated 1,530 children died because of abuse or neglect. 41.1 percent of child fatalities were caused by neglect where physical abuse was also a major contributor. More than three-quarters of the children who died because of child abuse were younger than four years old. However, some experts  believe that child fatalities may be underreported by 50 to 60 percent (Hess et al, 2010). The effects of child abuse are upsetting, disheartening and potentially very dangerous. Child abuse and neglect result in serious as well as permanent physical, mental and emotional damage. Unfortunately, the effects of child abuse may lead some victims to behave in future criminal behavior (Hess et al, 2010). Emotional damage from the effects of child abuse is disturbing. It may cause the victim to have an increased level of aggression along with self-destructive tendencies. Antisocial behavior can put not only the family in harm’s way, but also the community (Hess et al, 2010). Antisocial behaviors along with physical aggression are two of the most constant outcomes of physical abuse. Fear and anger are also incorporated with abused children. Some studies have suggested that childhood abuse and neglect will reduce cognitive skills and can lead to attention defi cit disorders. In addition to deficit disorders, neglected and physically abused children do not do well in school. These children tend to produce low grades, lower standardized tests scores and much retention in the same grade, but neglected children are far worse off than those who are physically abused (Chalk, Gibbons, Scarupa, 2002). IV. Theory Framework to Account for Offenders Crimes against children have numerous broad based causations rooted in criminological, psychological, and biological theory constructs. From a crimes against children investigative perspective, the power and control theory, (as a subset of conflict criminology), as posited by Hagan, Gillis, and Simpson (1990) accounts for a significant niche of offenders. In their theory Hagan et al. (1990) describe the power bestowed to males by the patriarchal system of marriage. While primarily an explanation of domestic violence, the power and control theory also incorporates domestic aspect of child abuse, neglect, and sexual assault (Hagan et al., 1990). Hess and Orthmann (2010) add further support in their claim that 90 percent of child abuse suspects are parents or an adult known to the child. Tanner (2009) notes limitation of the power and control theory is it does not explain or predict violent behavior, only that offending behavior toward children does occur in significant numbers in a pat riarchal construct. Even with this limitation, the power and control theory is useful in identifying offenders  and developing useful policies and strategies in crimes against children investigations. V. Literature Review A specific technique for a better outcome for handling child victim cases would be to establish a children’s advocacy center. Allowing these centers to place law enforcement officers, child protection workers, prosecutors, therapists, medical professionals all in one center will be to coordinate investigations, prosecution and treatment to the young victim. These centers can conduct child-friendly interviews rather than multiple interviews that may be in an interrogation room or in the house where the abused victim was neglected to such criminal activity. By placing children in an advocacy center and using a multidisciplinary team approach, it is easier for a team of professionals to work together to ensure that the maltreatment of the child is responded to in the best possible way with the least amount of further trauma. These centers â€Å"†¦improve the quality of information and increase the number of successful prosecutions† (U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1999). Unfortunately in the criminal justice system, law enforcement agencies must vie for federal funding and therefore resources like advocacy centers may not always be available in all cities and towns to coordinate such a team of professionals. Another idea that has been proven to work better than others would be to bring other agencies together and form a multidisciplinary team approach to the situation. The purpose of bringing these teams and agencies together is to limit the amount of times the child is interviewed, to coordinate intervention, and to reduce the amount duplication of agency procedures (U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1999) Joint and coordinated responses help cases not â€Å"fall through the cracks† (Hess & Orthmann, 2010). Joint interviews and monitored interviews will help reduce inconsistencies that may occur and improve the quality of information that is given by the child (U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1999). VI. Discussion/Recommendations Investigating child neglect and maltreatment cases can be very demanding and is perceived by prosecutors as the most difficult to prosecute. Protecting the child from further harm, interviewing the child, and the need to involve  other agencies are three challenges that occur when investigating child abuse and neglect (Hess et al, 2010). To help address these issues, there are some strategies in place to help children in need. To protect the child from further harm, under welfare regulations and codes, an officer may place a child in temporary custody without a warrant if there is an emergency (Hess et al, 2010). To help overcome challenges (i.e., short attention spans, difficulty discussing the abuse, and the fact the child was most likely told not to tell anyone) when interviewing a child, officers should consider the children’s age, their ability to describe what happened, and the retaliation by the suspect once the child â€Å"tells† (Hess et al, 2010). One idea w ould be to consider inviting a social worker or therapist who has studied child psychology and who is formally trained and has experience talking with troubled and abused children. VII. Conclusion Crimes which are committed against children have dire consequences, not just for the victims but for society as a whole. Police investigations of crimes against children require specific strategies and techniques for successful outcomes. With a wide scope of crimes being committed against children, law enforcement officials are charged with ensuring the safety of the child, and getting all the information about the crime from the child. This may involve bringing in social workers, creating children advocacy centers or other mental health professionals in order to provide an environment where children can feel they are safe to talk about what has happened. While some solutions to this problem may be expensive, time-consuming, or difficult; protecting the child is the ultimate goal for law enforcement and proper training for those who are involved in child abuse cases is paramount to bringing justice for these young victims. VIII. References Chalk, R., Gibbons, A., & Scarupa, H. (2002). The Multiple Dimensions of Child Abuse and Neglect: New Insights into an Old Problem. Research Brief, Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Hagan, J., Gillis, A. & Simpson J. (1990). Clarifying and extending the power and control theory. American Journal of Sociology, 9, (4), 1, 1024-37 Tanner, J. (2009). Teenage Troubles: Youth and Deviance in Canada, 3rd edition. Oxford Publishing U.S. Dept. of Justice. (1999). Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Recommendations to Improve the Criminal Justice Response to Child Victims and Witnesses. Office for Victims of Crime, 6, Electronic Source Only. Retrieved April 15, 2013 from: Hess, K. M., & Orthmann, C. H. (2010). Criminal Investigation (9th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Nothing Gold Can Stay Essay

The poem â€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay,† by Robert Frost, uses a abcb rhyme scheme to cleverly explain natures downfall, due to gold, in the world. The author begins by showing that nature’s true color is green, however, due to man’s greed they only see gold. Being that nature supplied the earth with gold, man should respect it and give back. Instead the author depicts that nature is stripped of her importance and sad therefore the dawn goes down to day meaning instead of the weather staying beautiful, like it does in the morning, it turns to the hot, muggy afternoon. On the last line the author says, â€Å"Nothing gold can stay† (914), because mans inability to let go of greed is destroying our planet. The author also uses figurative language to reveal the poem’s meaning. In the beginning of the poem he personifies nature into a female so that the audience better understands natures pain and suffering due to humans greedy ways. Also, he uses imagery to paint the picture of the garden of Eden sinking to grief meaning that nature is in duress and even the first garden known to man is on the verge of destruction unless we change our ways. Lastly the author uses a metaphor comparing green to gold by saying â€Å"Natures first green is gold† (914), explaining that green is the symbol of life and prosperity. For example money is green and when nature is described green typically comes to mind. But he says gold is the first green because all humans care about is gold and as a result they are giving it greater importance than nature, our source of life.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Proposal examining accounting fraud

Background to the Study and Overall Research Aim: Deceitful accounting instances have ever been critical and prevalentissues in listed Chinese companies. In recent old ages, some Chinese companies have been embroiled in accounting dirts in Hong Kong stock market. Harmonizing to a Hong Kong Exchange study on 30 November 2013, there were 42 companies ’shares that had been suspended for more than three months. 17 out of 42 are under investigated officially for possible abnormalities. Listed Chinese companies have the possible to be embroiled with deceitful accounting. Fiscal statements reflect a company’s public presentation and it requires a series of cardinal and appropriate fiscal analysis. Due to its high importance, the cogency and truth of fiscal statements must be stressed. Additionally company directors have to describe to the proprietors of organisation and other related users such as Bankss and other loaners about the fiscal facets of their activities. Those trusting on external fiscal studies want to have the information that is qualified or has been audited in the studies to guarantee dependability. The usage of fiscal statements and its high significance thrust forces of originative actions. Nowadays, more and more companies use deceitful accounting to do company’s public presentation more attractive to investors. On the other manus, it provides more troubles for scrutinizing and consequences in impacting audit quality. Companies intentionally use deceitful accounting to misdirect stakeholders and stockholders. It is easy found out that some companies own good economic public presentation on the fiscal places but they go belly-up all of a sudden. If a company goes into bankruptcy, the stock can drop dramatically and frequently consequences in stop trading on the stock market. By and large, investors have to endure investing loss. Research Aims: The aim of this research is built up to reexamine the literature of accounting fraud in the fiscal statements, to analyze methods of accounting fraud. The most of import undertaking for this thesis is to happen out whether any indicatorsor forms of fraudin the fiscal statements of the listing companies. Theories will be compared to the truth in the instance survey of several companies in order to explicate those theories are good plenty to explicate the same groundss in the company. Initial Review of Relevant Literature: The literature reappraisal focuses on following parts:Definition of accounting fraudCauses of accounting fraudOverview of fraud techniquesConsequences of accounting fraudDefinition of accounting fraud Deceitful accounting is an knowing darnel, assorted uses of a company’s assets or its fiscal statement to profit vested involvement holder. It frequently includes complex techniques for misappropriate of assets, fail to describe liabilities, misapplying financess, exaggerating grosss and understating disbursals. In related to deceitful fiscal coverage, which is sometimes called originative accounting, window dressing and income smoothing, etc. However, some corporate deceitful accounting dirts have been argued that it is a series of sensible actions in position of net incomes direction instead than an knowing darnel, assorted embezzlements and uses. The differentiation between deceitful accounting and net incomes direction is the managerial purpose. If directors make alterations on fiscal statement to misdirect stockholders or stakeholders that rely on the statement about economic public presentation of the company to act upon outcomes, it can be judged as deceitful accounting. Causes of accounting fraud The complexness of accounting criterions is one of grounds why assorted deceitful dirts happen. Companies seek chances to take advantage of loopholes in bing accounting criterions although it is more elaborate. For illustration, Enron used complex contracts to film over the truth of company minutess for such a long clip. Fraud is committed by misapplying the accounting criterions that are expected to protect public involvements. Furthermore, wages of senior directors provides a genteelness land to accounting fraud. It is closely related to short-run public presentation of a company such as fillips, stock options and perverse inducements. These wagess create inducements to directors to farther manipulate fiscal statements under the force per unit areas although it is fraud. Overview of fraud techniques The fraud techniques are implemented on fiscal statements. Some major applications of fraud techniques are the followerss.Exaggeration of GrossUnderstatement of ExpensesTamper with TaxationConsequences of accounting fraud Research Methods: Justification and Description: This thesis chiefly collects secondary information which will be conducted to roll up and analyze through an scrutiny of a series of books, diaries, articles, one-year studies and professional organic structures. It is easier to obtain. Since there are many well-known instances about corporate deceitful accounting dirts, there are tonss of information and treatment available on articles and web sites that can be analysed from different positions. Furthermore, one-year studies of naming companies are easier to be obtained. In add-on to secondary informations, primary informations is harder to be found due to the nature of fiction truth by utilizing it. Information to be collected: How information will be collected: This thesis is traveling to follow trying as research method. Sampling method is the survey of selected samples from a population. The topics are easy controlled and more accurate than analyzing the whole population. Interesting correlativities may be found from few topics. Judgment samplingwhich is a nonprobability method and is frequently extension of convenience sampling will be adopted in this thesis. With nonprobability trying schemes, sample is selected based on judgement. The trying scheme should be chosen to choose research companies which are best able to accurately and meaningfully supply information to the study instrument. Therefore, the samples have to be chosen carefully and they are genuinely representative of the whole population when utilizing this method. A list of features of the elements in the sample needs to be determined. These trying standards are indispensable to organize of the sample in order to look at the fraudulent job. These standards include:Companies are listedCompanies have one-year study which can supply fiscal statements for analysisCompanies have groundss of reported fraud, such as published instances by SFC, HKICPA, HKEx, etc.Analysis Technique ( s ) : Correlation refers to the strength of a relationship between two variables. A weak correlativity means that the variables have a weak relationship with each other while a strong correlativity means that the variables are closely related. This correlativity analysis technique assumes that the variables are analyzed and measured by correlativity coefficient which is Thursdayvitamin EPearson’s R which measures as additive relationship. The correlativity coefficient can be calculated by taking the covariance of the two variables. The scope of Correlation coefficients can be represented from -1 to +1. For illustration, +1 represents an utmost positive correlativity while -1represents an utmost negative correlativity. 0 represents that there is no relationship between the variables being tested.

Can Failure Lead to Success

A transient feeling of doubt may come across after or during the breakdown, but learning to be optimistic in such situations will abet one to learn from the wrong-doing and make better of themself. Any obstacle to stand in someone’s way of acquiring success is simply just a nudge in a different direction. Failure gives you the opportunity to come back stronger and braver. You are given a chance to work even harder than you did in the past. Assiduity and confidence is the key to picking up from any debacle that may influence you to give up. Imagine interviewing for a job that seemed like the best out there for you, but you didn’t get it. However, another job comes up that pays more and fits more comfortably for your schedule. A frustration of decline suddenly becomes something gained. Everything will soon be put into its’ right place, which is something pivotal to remember when you are in a struggle. Now that you have undergone such a negative time period of failure, you have been given a learning experience. Your stream of thought has been influenced and enriched. It is easier to develop new and different ideas, being that you must erase previous concepts. Make a new approach, take a risk, or test out something new to see a change in what you have done. All you have room left for is improvement, so doubting yourself will lead you nowhere. Learn from the mistakes that you have made in order to never run into them again on your road to success. Think of your downfalls as different plans that didn’t work out, rather than complete failures with no advantage. There are always things to learn, ways to grow, and new opportunities waiting for you. Failure can very well lead to success, but it all depends on you. Don’t be pessimistic when you must make new attempts in different situations. Be the best you can be so that your efforts can shine through in your work. Desire to succeed is much greater at this point, meaning you can truly stay focused on your goals. Viewing failure as the end of your road is the biggest mistake of all. Simply consider it the beginning of something potentially better. Can Failure Lead to Success A transient feeling of doubt may come across after or during the breakdown, but learning to be optimistic in such situations will abet one to learn from the wrong-doing and make better of themself. Any obstacle to stand in someone’s way of acquiring success is simply just a nudge in a different direction. Failure gives you the opportunity to come back stronger and braver. You are given a chance to work even harder than you did in the past. Assiduity and confidence is the key to picking up from any debacle that may influence you to give up. Imagine interviewing for a job that seemed like the best out there for you, but you didn’t get it. However, another job comes up that pays more and fits more comfortably for your schedule. A frustration of decline suddenly becomes something gained. Everything will soon be put into its’ right place, which is something pivotal to remember when you are in a struggle. Now that you have undergone such a negative time period of failure, you have been given a learning experience. Your stream of thought has been influenced and enriched. It is easier to develop new and different ideas, being that you must erase previous concepts. Make a new approach, take a risk, or test out something new to see a change in what you have done. All you have room left for is improvement, so doubting yourself will lead you nowhere. Learn from the mistakes that you have made in order to never run into them again on your road to success. Think of your downfalls as different plans that didn’t work out, rather than complete failures with no advantage. There are always things to learn, ways to grow, and new opportunities waiting for you. Failure can very well lead to success, but it all depends on you. Don’t be pessimistic when you must make new attempts in different situations. Be the best you can be so that your efforts can shine through in your work. Desire to succeed is much greater at this point, meaning you can truly stay focused on your goals. Viewing failure as the end of your road is the biggest mistake of all. Simply consider it the beginning of something potentially better.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Critical, Close Reading Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games Essay

Critical, Close Reading Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games - Essay Example The major strengths of this paper is the use of examples, drawn from the novel as well as real life examples on how authoritarian rule caused rebellion. However, the area I would like to improve on is the analysis section. One of the major themes identified in the novel is power. The main source of power is the authoritarian government that is situated in the Capitol. This is because the Capitol contains majority of the wealth of Panem (Egan and Suzanne, 10). The government also uses this city to control the citizens of Panem. This is by holding the hunger games, whereby teenagers are chosen from the 12 districts and forced to fight to death. The major aim of holding these games was to thwart any form of rebellion from the people. It was also aimed at creating divisions within the districts, and infighting amongst the members of the 12 Districts in Panem (Balkind, 33). This in turn would prevent the citizens of Panem from rebelling against the government. However, these games did not succeed in preventing the citizens of Panem from rebelling. This paper takes a stand that the authoritarian use of power is a motivating factor for rebellion. It identifies circumstances where the citizens of Panem rebell ed against the authorities of the Capitol. This is through the two civil wars that occurred in Panem, and the actions of Katniss Everdeen. Originally, the country of Panem had 13 districts, but due to the authoritarian rule of the Capitol, the first civil war emerged. This was referred to as the Dark Days rebellion, and it was led by the 13th district. However, during this war, district 13 was able to gain independence, and formed its own rule. This is because its military was advanced, and it had threatened to use nuclear weapons to destroy Capitol (Collins, 7). The Capitol and the 13th district signed a secret ceasefire deal that granted district 13 independence. During

Monday, August 12, 2019

Developing Leadership Capacities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Developing Leadership Capacities - Essay Example an seeing the leader as a co-equal of followers Transformational Theory Gives emphasis on the role of leadership in initiating and implementing change Attaches too much importance to the leader as a catalyst of change rather than to all the stakeholders as creators and performers of change Applying Theory U to Cross-Functional Team Leadership One theory of leadership which can help leaders positively transform cross-functional teams is theory U. The first step, going down the U’s left part, is referred to as ‘sensing’ or building up a perceived image of the organization’s present reality that should be understood and transformed (Scharmer, 2009). In a cross-functional team, it is important to develop highly committed members. ... The important questions to answer are: (1) what the team desires to create, (2) why it is important, (3) how to accomplish this, (4) who is responsible, and (5) when and where to perform this. By employing ‘sensing’, the leader of a cross-functional team is able to achieve its goal of improving service to key customers by (Kahane, 2010): (1) discovering shared ideas and perspective by sharing the story and situation that brought highly diverse people together in one team; (2) motivating and being an inspiration to the team; (3) training in deep-dive (‘do what you love, love what you do’ principle) processes and discussion interviews; (4) recognizing key stakeholders that have to be visited and known. Apparently, when relating to the team and the environment, a leader should set in motion and bring in the ‘four channels of listening’: â€Å"(1) listening from what you know, (2) from what surprises you, (3) from empathizing with the interviewee, and (4) listening from her or his authentic source or highest future possibility† (Anonymous, 2012, p. 10). Through ‘sensing’, a leader will be able to uncover the highest potential of every member of the cross-functional team with an open heart and mind. The second step is ‘presencing’, or a more profound understanding of one’s duty and function in the organization; after profoundly engrossing oneself in the perspectives and situations that are appropriate to a setting and its greatest future prospect, ‘presencing’ concentrates on tapping on a more profound source of understanding (Scharmer, 2009). In order for a leader of a cross-functional team to carry out the ‘presencing’ step successfully s/he should form circles where in s/he commits one

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Process - Essay Example This process, based on a particular projects requirement, can follow an engineering-based approach, a structured approach, or an incremental approach (Jawadekar, 2004). However, in recent years, software development firms have adopted methodologies that are a mix of different software development methodologies. According to Jawadekar (2004), software development process is usually made up of the following stages: Comprehension and analysis of the specific problems and requirements of a client Planning – developing a strategic plan for the development of the software Creating a design for the customized software solution Implementation – actual development of the software, which entails coding Testing – entails unit testing and whole system testing Installation – deploying the actual system/software Maintenance and error fixing All these stages combined make up the software development process, also well known as SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). Base d on the needs of the client, more or less time may be devoted to any of the stages mentioned above. Process Stages Explained The diagram above (Figure 1.0) illustrates the stages followed in a software development process. The Requirements stage entails defining the required information, behaviors, functions, interfaces, and performance of the software product to be built. The Planning stage entails the preparation of a strategic plan that is expected to guide the development of the software. It defines important deliverables, timelines and milestones. The Design stage involves creation of a design based on the client’s requirements. It entails defining and designing of the software architecture, data structures, algorithmic details, and interface representations. Implementation entails actual writing of software source code, database design, unit testing and user documentation. The Testing stage entails testing of the source code. System, unit, and user acceptance or usabil ity testing are also performed at this stage. The Installation stage, also known as the deployment, is the last stage in the initial development process (Jawadekar, 2004). This is where the software units are integrated into one unit. Some testing also occurs at this stage, since the software is made for an actual business and used by actual users. As a result, there is extensive monitoring of bugs, or errors. Additionally, training is done at this stage and any customizations required are carried out (Jawadekar, 2004). Maintenance entails making enhancements and changes to system before it can officially be handed over to the client. Faults discovered during testing are corrected. Process Audience Description The intended audience for this process includes project leader, management, the client, testers, and development team members (Jawadekar, 2004). It is important for the project leader since this process helps guide the whole project and, therefore, it is important for the proj ect leader, especially in terms of project monitoring, duty assignment and delegation, deliverables and milestone tracking. As far as the overall management is concerned, this process is important since it helps know what to expect and when to expect it. It also offers an outline of how a particular software product will be developed and delivered. They are especially involved at the end of each stage since they are responsible for evaluating deliverables and ensuring